ULaw host an event centred around the concerns of the new Solicitors Qualifying Exam
In December 2024, Newcastle Law Society in conjunction with Muckle LLP and ULaw invited law firms, their SQE students, and universities to participate in a forum discussion aimed at sharing their experiences of SQE.
The forum gathered insights for submission to Kaplan and the SRA regarding what changes the profession can advocate for to enhance the well-being and accessibility of the profession for both current and future solicitors.
Whilst the SRA's independent evaluation of the SQE is scheduled for phase four of their evaluation programme, the forum concluded that earlier intervention would enhance the experience for all supporting the SRA to meet its goals of widened participation, increased diversity and affordability.
The forum advocated for greater regulation, quality control and consistency for preparation courses, sharing that a standardised experience would provide enhanced clarity of what to expect allowing providers to support their students more effectively throughout the exam process.
The forum acknowledged that the SRA do provide example questions, however the NDA requirement presents as a barrier to support between students and providers. Increased communication and sharing between the SRA and providers would allow for a greater level of support alongside test examples reflecting the complexity and sometimes niche examples experienced in the exam.
Participants of the forum felt a more streamlined and accessible booking process would impact student wellbeing in a positive way. Suggestions included the implementation of a less formal approach to reasonable adjustments, increased frequency of exam sittings throughout the year, a reduction of waiting times for exam results and a better geographical spread of test centres.
We are currently in the process of drafting our submission and would welcome feedback from other providers, employers or students. Should you have any questions, feedback or would like to engage in further discussions please contact us via mail@newcastlelawsociety.co.uk