Newcastle Law Society Lecture
The Lecture will be held at:-
The Lecture Theatre,
Newcastle Law School,
Newcastle University,
21-24 Windsor Terrace,
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE2 4HQ.
The speaker is The Honourable Mr Justice Nicklin. The lecture will commence at 6pm and the title of the talk is
Transparency and Open Justice : opportunities and challenges.
This week the Lady Chief Justice announced the formation of a Transparency and Open Justice Board - Transparency and Open Justice Board will ‘modernise our approach to open justice’ | Law Gazette. The Board is to be chaired by Mr Justice Nicklin. Mr Justice Nicklin is giving the Law Society's Annual Lecture next week on this subject. All are welcome to attend it should be a very interesting talk.
To RSVP please email us on mail@newcastlelawsociety.co.uk before 30th April 2024.